Tax Law

The tax experts of Schindhelm advise domestic and foreign companies in all issues of national and international corporation tax law. A focus of our activity is consulting with regard to fiscal law, in particular with M&A transactions, company financial reorganisation and recapitalisation, restructuring measures and corporate successions. Another focus is the advising of wealthy individuals with regard to fiscal law, in particular on issues of corporate and property succession and on issues of inheritance law and property investment. In cases of conflict, we represent our clients in appeal, petition and complaint procedures and in appeals to the customs and financial authorities.

Tax advisory Schindhelm Germany

In addition to our fully integrated tax consultancy unit at the Hanover office headed by tax consultant Prof. Dr. Philipp Albrecht, we offer a full range of tax consultancy services at our offices in Osnabrück und Frankfurt in cooperation with the renowned tax consultancy firm EBiT Tax Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.

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Our main areas of expertise include:

Tax advice for companies

 Tax structuring and planning to optimise tax ratios
 Loss utilisation strategies
 Advice on tax audits including vulnerability analysis
 Tax due diligence audits
 Representation in extrajudicial and judicial appeal proceedings
 Minimisation of real estate transfer tax in real estate transactions

Tax advice for private individuals

Income, inheritance and gift tax optimisation for company and asset successions
Advice on the establishment and recognition of foundations of all kinds before and after succession
Tax optimisation when moving abroad
Secondment of employees abroad (wage tax and social security)

Tax advice for public and/or charitable institutions and foundations

Advice on all questions of non-profit law
Differentiation between commercial operations, economic business operations and special-purpose operations
Advice on cooperations and inter-municipal cooperation
Advice on questions of turnover tax